Animal Success Stories
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Chloe II
Chloe II

Hello, Sorry that it has been a while but with the holiday it has been grazy.. Here a little note from Chloe.. Hi Fostermom, Thank you for giving me to this wonderful family. I have a blast..I am not sleeping in my crate anymore although sometimes its still hard not to jump into the bed with them, i am learning. I am learning a lot sometimes i follow what they tell me to do because i know i will get a treat but when they just want to give me snuggles for doing something good i don't always listen... I have been to the park several times and am not that scared anymore for other dogs..Also the dog here is very nice we play every day and put up a little show when mommy and daddy are home. I am also doing better with sharing mommy or daddy time i know now that i don't have to be afraid of sharing affection and that they love as much as Diesel.. Thank you foster mommy for finding this family Big licks and barks Chloe ps Happy New Year from Chloe Diesel Hedy and Fred