Animal Success Stories
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Jasmine, now known as, Abby is doing great, our Dear Abby! We had a few issues with accidents in the house but I emailed Paula and she suggested kenneling her which I was a little hesitant about but it has worked out beautifully. Abby took to the kennel right away so she was obviously kennel trained in her previous life. She is adorable, funny and has been a wonderful addition to our family. She has come a long way in just a short time and seems to be adjusting very well. She is truly a part of the family. She doesn't like to see us leave and is extremely happy when we return home. Even Grandma adores her. She walks well on the leash and does well in the car too. Truly a blessing to the family and I think she would say the same about us....:) Thanks for checking. Thanks for all you do! Terri Cooley