Rainbow Bridge
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Noah ATB 3/5/05
Noah was a southern gentle hound, he had grace and style. He came to me as a foster, on 9/11/04. Although he was a foster until we adopted him on Christmas Day 2004, there was never much doubt that we belonged to him. I believe we were led to him, and even though he was with us only a short time, he gave a lifetime's worth of love to us. He set up a life in my heart, one that will never be forgotten. We will meet again some day, my sweet fatman, and we will enjoy some cheesecake together. Loved, and very much missed by wen and Pat

Nona Jean
7/18/2024 - Our hearts are shattered today, as we let you know we sent Nona Jean to the Rainbow Bridge. She was limping Tuesday and got progressively worse, despite medication, until today, when her back legs stopped working. Her vet believes she ruptured a disc in her back, causing the paralysis. She was in pain and unable to even reach her water bowl. Her prognosis was poor, so we made the heartbreaking decision to put her out of her pain. We got Nona Jean from TBBR in 2017. She was skinny, scared and full of scars. We loved her and showed her life could be beautiful. She turned in to the best dog, ever and we will miss her forever. She was spoiled and loved every minute she was a part of our family. Thank you, TBBR for our girl. Her soulful eyes and all the love she gave us will live in our hearts always.

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