Beagle : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Small
Our best guess is that Cambry rcently had puppies and was tossed out when she had finished weaning them Cambry has had no problems with other dogs and has remained calm and loving all during transport, her bath, vacinations etc. Cambry seems to have a very loving personality. Cambry seems to be housetrained but we have only had her a few hours so cannot be 100% sure. Cambry met nose to nose with one of the resident cats at the vet office and it did bother her at all. 1-17-10 Update. Cambry is the sweetest little girl. You just want to scoop her up in your arms
and give her a big squeeze. She is
always so happy to see you and loves to sit close to you so that you can stroke
her. She gets along well with her three
foster brothers, and she is not afraid to let them know with a low growl when she wants to be left alone. She loves to go
for walks, trotting along with her little tail held proudly in the air. She
will need a little coaxing to go into her crate, but give her one of those big
rawhide bones, and she is a happy little beagle girl. Cambry is a lover and will light up your
More about CambryGood with Dogs Sponsors: 14d, 3w, 4m